Gavin Newsom

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If you already signed up to attend the event, here are the event details:

Team Newsom: Virtual Phone Bank

This is a virtual meeting hosted on Zoom
Monday, September 16, 2:00 PM Pacific time (event is now over)
Your host says:
Thank you for signing up to join the Call Team Onboarding for Team Gavin Newsom!

Our event will be hosted on Zoom at this link:

- Please double check the time zone and join the Zoom call on time. Once the training portion has started, we will not be able to admit latecomers.

- Please join the Zoom call using your device with the largest screen you have. A bigger screen will allow you to see the details on the slides better.

- We highly encourage you to invite a friend or family member to join, too. Share the event RSVP details and encourage them to sign up. See you soon!

Team Gavin Newsom

If you agree that America is in an existential struggle for democracy and extremist Republicans are systematically attacking the very foundations of a free society, then it’s time to take action and join Team Gavin Newsom!

Come learn how you can help elect Democrats everywhere by having phone call conversations with voters across the nation.

Each 2 hour phone bank starts with an onboarding that will cover our goals for this upcoming election, how to use our dialer tool, an introduction to our online community (Discord), and resources needed to become a Team Newsom Caller. After the onboarding, we'll all get on the dialer and make calls together! (Onboarding and phone banking lasts 2 hours)

This event will be hosted virtually on Zoom. Please RSVP to receive the Zoom information.